Church Council Meeting
We will have our May Council Meeting on the 15th at 11:40am following worship. There will be a potluck lunch following the meeting.
We will have our May Council Meeting on the 15th at 11:40am following worship. There will be a potluck lunch following the meeting.
Our April Board meeting will be on the 13th at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Church Board will meet in the Fellowship hall on March 9th at 7:00pm.
We will hold our Church board meeting at 7:00pm in the fewlloship hall on February 9th.
We will hold our Church Council Meeting and Business Organization Meeting on January 16 following worship. There will be a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall after the meeting.
Cedar Lake will cover Ringing the Bell at the Kroger Store in Kendallville on December 1st. There will be a sign up sheet soon.
Join in the celbration of Lee & Marilyn’s 70th Anniversary. It will be in the Fellowsip Hall from 3:00pm until 5:oopm.
The Jordan family will use the fellowship hall from 3:30pm until 6:30pm on Saturday August 28, 2021.
The Jordans are planning a celebration as Rachel’s adoption process comes to fruition.
October 10 the children and youth will be having a Taco Bar followed by the Corn Maze in Waterloo for middle school and high school.