Ash Wednesday Service
Cedar Lake will have an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14 at 6pm.
Cedar Lake will have an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14 at 6pm.
Abby Koroncevicius will lead us in a training session for our newly installed AED. Sign up to take part. The more people trained the better incase we need to use it.
Abby Koroncevicius will lead us in a training session for our newly installed AED. Sign up to take part. The more people trained the better incase we need to use it.
On February 3rd we will have our annual 51 Bricks Cornhole and game evening starting at 5 pm. Keli Freels will provide more info in the future.
We will have our next planning meeting on January 10 at 7pm.
Our January Council meeting and administrative organization will be January 21 after worship. There will be a potluck following the meeting.
We will have our Christmas Eve service on December 24th. A social hour will be from 6pm-7pm. The service will be gin at 7pm.
The Holman Family will use the fellowship hall on December 30 from 11am-5pm.
The Woolever family will use the fellowship hall on December 22.
Jordan family will use the fellowship hall on Dec 10 from 4-7pm.